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Synchronization Module

BOC – Balanced Optical Cross Correlator

Lowest noise synchronization between two femtosecond lasers at the same wavelength

  • More than 1 mV/fs sensitivity
  • Lower than 0.5 fs noise floor
  • Less than 15 fs RMS timing jitter and timing drift
  • Attosecond-level timing jitter resolution


BOC allows ultra-precise measurement of timing jitter between two independent optical pulse trains, at the same central wavelengths

BOC is used for sub-femtosecond fiber link stabilization over kilometer distances. Due to a balanced optical detection scheme, the BOC provides exceptionally high timing sensitivity, attosecond timing resolution, amplitude invariance and robustness against environmental fluctuations. The output of the BOC is a baseband voltage signal that is proportional to the relative time delay between the two sources. This output can in turn be used in a phase-locked loop to synchronize the two optical sources. Standard wavelengths are 800 nm, 1030 nm and/or 1550 nm.

Tech Specs

Timing jitter

< 15 fs RMS

Timing sensitivity

> 1 mV/fs

Timing noise floor

< 0.5 fs RMS

Timing resolution

< 0.05 fs RMS