October 7, 2020
2nd generation Timing Systems for ESA Deep Space Stations
![2nd generation Timing Systems for ESA Deep Space Stations](https://www.cyclelasers.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=kernel&p=image&src=%7B%22file%22%3A%22wp-content%2Fuploads%2FCycle-collaboration-ESA-Lange-Menhir-Artwork-Cebreros-1-scaled.jpeg%22%2C%22thumbnail%22%3A%221560%2Cauto%2C%22%7D&hash=9dd4aff8)
We are excited and proud to announce that Cycle GmbH has been awarded with the European Space Agency – ESA Contract to equip the ESTRACK Deep Space ground stations with second generation Frequency and Timing Distribution Systems.
In phase 2, subject to approval by ESA, further systems are planned to be deployed to the ground stations at New Norcia, Western Australia, Cebreros, Spain, and Malargüe, Argentina. We look forward to this cooperation with ESA as well as with our partner companies Lange-Electronic GmbH, Germany, and Menhir Photonics, Switzerland.
This project is carried out under a program of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.