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UNIPRENEURS award for Franz Kärtner

UNIPRENEURS award for Franz Kärtner

We take great pride to announce that our founder, Prof. Franz Kärtner, was honored in Berlin as UNIPRENEUR for his outstanding commitment to start-ups from universities and research institutions. This is the highest recognition in Germany in the field of entrepreneurship in universities and this year the winners were shortlisted from a survey of 5,500 founders. The initiative, under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Research and the Federal Ministry of Economic, is an endeavour towards strengthening spin-offs at universities in Germany.

“Spin-offs are important for translating the results of cutting-edge research into innovations, thereby strengthening Germany as an industrial location and retaining the best-qualified specialists and innovators in the long term,” says Franz Kärtner.

The UNIPRENEURS initiative is supported by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft, the Startup Association, Bitkom and Twenty top researchers were selected from 700 nominees nationwide.

Kärtner conducts research as a physicist at the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) and teaches at the University of Hamburg. Previously, he worked at ETH Zurich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Cycle GmbH develops femtosecond laser-based precision timing and frequency distribution systems for science and industry for control and signal distribution in large-scale research facilities such as free-electron lasers, ultrafast laser systems and radar telescopes.

– More information about UNIPRENEURS: