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Optical Frequency and Timing Distribution System for ESA Deep Space Tracking Stations

Optical Frequency and Timing Distribution System for ESA Deep Space Tracking Stations

[FLTR: Dr. Kemal Shafak (Cycle), Dr. Sinda Mejri (ESOC), Anan Dai (Cycle), Meike Vocke (Cycle), Bernardino Quaranta (ESOC), Dr. Michael Hagemann (Cycle)]

***Deep space tracking via ground-based antennas requires ultra-precise frequency and timing (F&T) distribution to ensure accurate spacecraft positioning and safe navigation. In the past decade, optical F&T distribution systems have matured significantly. Many systems are now operational 24/7 in several science facilities providing femtosecond-level residual timing jitter and drift.

By considering the stringent requirements of deep space missions, we are beyond happy to announce that we have developed and successfully tested an optical F&T distribution system for ESA Deep Space Stations. By the end of 2022, we successfully completed the installation and testing of the first Frequency & Timing (F&T) Distribution System in the Ground Segment Reference Facility (GSRF) of the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt. Now we are manufacturing three more systems to be deployed at ESA’s Deep Space Station in Cebreros (Spain, New Norcia (Australia) and Malargüe (Argentina).